March 18, 2025

Tag: ECB

LQDFXperts Highlights 04.05.2018

WORLD Trump is expected to withdraw United States out of the 2015 Iran nuclear Deal on May 12, which is the deadline given by the US President to the European major powers to fix the flaws of the accord. Tehran says will not renegotiate nuclear deal and warns against changes considering them unacceptable.

LQDFXperts Highlights 26.04.2018

WORLD Today’s focus will be on the ECB’s monetary policy meeting, where no change is expected to the policy settings underplaying worries over recent softness in the euro zone economy. Markets are looking forward to seeing whether recent Euro sell-off and its trading around its lowest level since mid-January against the greenback rendering it undervalued ahead of the European Central Bank’s policy update. The ECB decision is due at 1145 GMT and president Mario Draghi will begin his press conference at 1230.